Will Evans
Professional Background:
1984 to 2012 - (Retired)
Evans & Schmidt Architects
284 Meeting Street
Charleston, South Carolina
1979 to 1984 - Project Architect
Gifford Neilson Williams Architects/Engineers
Charleston, South Carolina
1977 to 1979 - Office of Revitalization
City of Charleston
Charleston, South Carolina
1973 to 1977 - Project Architect
QP & K, Architects/Engineers
Syracuse, New York
South Carolina
New York
Organizational Affiliations:
National - American Institute of Architects
State - Appointed to South Carolina State Board of Review, National Register of Historic Places, (two year term)
1986 to 1988 & 2002 to 2004
Local - Appointed to the Board of Architectural Review for the City of Charleston (two 4 year terms)
1984 to 1992

(Chairman for 3 years); Board Alternate Member 2007 to Present
Greater Charleston Council of Architects SCAIA 1982 to Present
Board - Charleston Area Arts Council - First Vice President